Monday, July 2, 2012

A Recipe for a Happy Marriage

God is the bowl for your ingredients;
Love God with all your heart.
Make Him #1 in all of your afffairs.
Desire His presence above all things.

Two cups of respect go into the bowl first;
Wives, have high regard for your husband.
Trust him to care for you,
Believe in him.

Two cups of crazy love go in the bowl next;
Husbands, love your wives deeply.
Cherish her; woo her.
Serve her each day.

Fold in forgiveness to hold your love and respect together;
Don't let the sun go down in your anger.
Forgive as Christ forgave you.
Give grace upon grace.

Add date nights and weekend getaways to sweeten the pot;
Look into each other's eyes.
Listen to one another.
Encourage one another.

Make love often to strengthen your union;
Learn to please one another.
Give freely to each other.
And be creative:)

Add leaven through kindness and appreciation;
Speak sweetly to one another.
Say Thank You for big things and small.
Be sincere.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into cake pan;
Bake for many years.
Adjust the temperature as needed.
Let cool and enjoy!

I Am

I am 
A child of the most high God,
Precious in His sight,
The apple of His eye.
I am not my failures or the sins committed against me.

I am 
Bought with a price,
All of my sins forgiven,
Destined to live forever.
I am not my achievements or good reputation.

I am 
Part of God's family,
Blessed with spiritual gifts,
That others may be built up.
I am not my natural talents or physical attributes.

I am 
Made in God's image,
Fearfully and wonderfully made, 
Secure in His unconditional love. 
I am not the good or bad opinion of others.

I am not 
The clothes I wear,
The degrees on my wall,
Or the number in my bank account.
I am complete in Christ. 

One Year

In the time of one year, 
God poured His Spirit on me, 
Healing, pruning,
His image bloomed in me.

In the time of four seasons
God gave me new tools,
New truths, new attitudes,
His image bloomed in me. 

In the time of one turn around the sun,
God gave me new friends,
A sponsor, an accountability partner,
His image bloomed in me.

In the time of 12 moons, 
God gave me greater freedom,
Restored joy, renewed hope. 
His image bloomed in me. 

In the time of two birthdays, 
God gave me a greater love,
Love for Him, love for others,
His image bloomed in me. 

Thank You Lord for an incredible year!


Blessed are the poor in spirit,
Who desire to be emptied of self-importance,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn,
Who grieve all things that impede spiritual growth,
For they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
Who are unwaveringly loyal and unconditionally submitted to Christ,
For they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
Whose supreme desire is to be obedient to God and know Him better,
For they will be filled.

Blessed  are the merciful,
Who forgive and give love when there is no reason to,
For they shall be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,
Who have unmixed loyalty to God in their thoughts and emotions,
For they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
Who strive to bridge gaps and heal breaches among men and with God,
For they will be called the sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
Who are mistreated for the things they believe or the life that they live,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.