Friday, September 23, 2011

The Closet

Darkness fills the closet.
My eyes open, but I see no exit.
Built and designed by my enemy,
Its walls are Fear and Insecurity.
Rejection and Shame pave its floor,
Lies shut its door.

One day, the door opens.
A LIGHT beckons.
"Come", he says, "Receive of my goodness."
I hesitate and doubt.
It's more natural to pout.

My enemy shuts the door,
That I see the LIGHT no more.
"These gifts are not for you.
They are for the new.
You are damaged goods,
To deserve them, you never could."
I take his words to heart.
Why should I get a new start?

Time and again the door opens.
To this LIGHT should I quicken?
One day He offers FREEDOM,
Another day He sets out HOPE.

I believe,
I rise to my feet.
I see His pierced hand stretched out.
It's LOVE, He is about.

I grab on to New Life,
To call Him Daddy is my right.
Never let go,
Defeated is my foe.
Never look back,
Nothing I now lack.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Search for Security

Security, where are you?
A six figure salary?
A dream home?
Finding Mr. Right?
An excellent education?
A perfect fitting job?
A fit and thin body?
Praise and admiration?
A strong military?

Security answers,
"You will find counterfeits of me in these things.
But they are not lasting and will leave you in want."

"I reside in the Creator of all things.
He is the embodiment of all that I am.
I, Security, dwell in Christ."

"Come to Him and you will find me.
You will be satisfied and whole.
You will no longer fear,
You will no longer want."

The Shawl of Shame

The Shawl of Shame is knit with many threads:
Illegitimate birth,
Secrets kept,
Family rejection and disdain.
The Shawl is heavily adorned.

Sexual abuse keeps the Shawl in place,
Suffocating freedom and life,
Hiding the real person underneath.

Sexual sin and pride then tighten its fit,
Creating guilt and a desire to hide.
Darkness fills the future...

Then LOVE breaks through.
The perfect sacrifice lifts the Shawl.
Forgiveness and New Life are adorned in its place.
Followed by garments of Joy and Praise.

Freedom is now within reach.
God's purpose lived out,
God's name lifted up.
The Shawl of Shame adorns no more.


Forgiveness is power,
Power to move mountains of despair.

Forgiveness is freedom,
Freedom from from attachment to the offender.

Forgiveness is faith,
Faith to let God be the judge.

Forgiveness is maturity,
Maturity to understand the wisdom in letting go.

Forgiveness is strength,
Strength to get up again.

Forgiveness is healing,
Healing from deep wounds.

Forgiveness is life,
Life abundant that Jesus promised.