Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Was

I was
Unwanted by my parents;
Tolerated but not treasured;
Provided for but not held precious;
Alone and afraid.

I was
Ignored and rejected;
Seen but not noticed
Heard but not listened to.
Alone and hopeless

I was 
Wanted by God,
Loved by God
Treasured by God.
Held precious by God. 

I was 
Sought out for,
Died for,
All my sins paid for,
All my tears seen 
All my cries heard.


I cannot change,
Your decision,
Your attitude ,
Your perspective,
Or your opinion.

But these things in me,
I CAN change.

I can make a wise choice,
Put on a good attitude,
Have a positive perspective,
Think well of others.

Change begins with me. 

The Old Tool

he Old Tool

The old tool came in handy as a child.
It was readily available,
And easy to use:
Be Good.

Filled with aloneness & emotional neglect, 
The Old Tool was used 
To gain acceptance and security,
To get noticed and be brought in close.
It worked well to meet my simple needs. 

Time passed.
The acceptance of others was harder to win.
My needs were more complex,
The Old Tool was redesigned:
Be Perfect.

The Old Tool was used 
To Avoid hurt and rejection from others. 
It was used to prevent judgement or misunderstanding. 
It stifled joy, creativity, & spontaneity 

Now I'm a woman
And the Old Tool remains.
I'm familiar with its design and function
And feel comfortable with it in hand.

But I've seen it ineffective.
I cannot be perfect;
Others still hurt and reject,
Acceptance and security fade.

I've cast the Tool aside. 
Jesus Christ is my source of 
Sense of belonging,
And worth.
I need the Old Tool no longer.